Over the past two years I have been having an inner conflict about my life’s purpose.
Okay, let me rewind. Ten years ago, all I needed in life was to get a well-paying job. I was persuaded my life will be totally set after that. Finally, I will be financial capable of living comfortably in the city. Move in a nice neighbourhood. Drive a relatively nice car, and possibly fall in love with an angel. I envisioned myself walking into a fancy shop in town with my Visa card in hand, and shop till I dropped.
I dreamt of ordering a bottle of Singleton of Glendullan Single Malt Scotch Whiskey and sit around a circle with my boys as we irrigate our throats over the beautiful game. I dreamt of travelling the world. Flying out of the country on holidays. Trust me, I was sure if I get all this things, I would have fika’d in life and would live happily ever after.
Ten years later, I pretty much got almost everything I ever dreamt of. However, I still don’t feel like my life is set. I still don’t feel like I have fika’d. I wake up every morning with a sense of emptiness and a feeling of not living to my full potential or purpose.
I have been struggling with this inner conflict and a sense of dissatisfaction for a while now. So, for the last two years, I set out on a mission to understand what my purpose on earth is. I honestly don’t think I was created to simply go through life like a zombie without impacting my generation, make a difference to the world or leave some sort of a legacy behind.
I don’t think the Big Guy Upstairs created me to simply live in a nice house, drive a nice car, cheer Manchester United or Arsenal on every weekend, eat, sleep, work, get married, have kids and eventually disappear six feet under. HELL NO. I think there’s more to life than simply that. There should be more to life than simply that.
You won’t know how to operate a machine without reading the manual. Likewise, you won’t know your purpose on earth without referring first to the person who created you. For He sure created you with a clear reason and purpose in mind. Well, that was my starting point, I have and still are seeking divine guidance to understand the reason for my existence. One thing however is for sure, no one was created to go through life simply like some programmed Apps.
I challenge you today to rely on divine guidance to know your existence in life. That’s the only way to get true and eternal peace and a sense of satisfaction. Trust me, you will get all the things you are chasing now and everything you ever desired, unfortunately they will never be a substitute to your life’s purpose. I believe we were all created to make a difference on earth. Touch people’s lives, and be great in what we do.
Life and indeed our greatness should never be defined by our earthly possessions or big titles. I am yet to see anyone buried with everything they ever owned. The least you would be buried with is a nice suit or a fancy dress, with perhaps some designer shoes and a watch, or a super expensive coffin, if you are lucky – and that is it – it will be a wrap for you. Done. Gone. Forgotten. Life goes on.
Of course, we would start a Facebook Page in your memory. We would post stuff about how you used to buy us alcohol and how we used to make it rain, then after a week that Page would be as good as dead. So, why do we spend so much time and energy chasing things that will never matter to us once we breath our last?
Life should be defined by how we fulfilled our purpose on earth. How we changed our communities. How we inspired others. Supported each other. Did good not for our own benefit, but for the benefit of our society.
Life should be defined by how we were the greatness people in what we do. How we shared our skills, knowledge and experience with others. How we helped a kid from a disadvantaged background achieve their dreams. How we fed the hungry. Visited the sick and disabled. How we cared and valued each other. How we respected and loved our neighbour as we loved ourselves.
For there’s more to life than flashing around your expensive Smartphone, second-hand imported car, and trying to prove how you are more beautiful, more stylish, more rich and much better than everyone else. And sure enough, there’s more to life than a good job, a nice house and a pretty girlfriend or hot boyfriend.